AWARDS: Recognising and Celebrating Post-Pandemic
As well as the dreaded ‘Office Party’, the end of the calendar year heralds the ubiquitous annual awards season for every industry….
And, after the ravages of the pandemic on our societies and in particular our sports and entertainment sector, this year’s Awards are going to be even more poignant. We will be bringing together our friends and industry colleagues… in-person… for the first time in nearly two years. That’s a great thing in itself.
But then we will also be recognising and celebrating all the great things our industry did during the lockdowns and shuttering of sports and entertainment.
Across our TheStadiumBusiness community, there were stadiums which converted into field kitchens to feed those critical workers and the most needy in society. There were the arenas which became polling centres for our democratic rights and vaccination centres of our health rights. And then there were the venues which transformed into hospitals for the COVID-19 sufferers as the healthcase systems became overwhelmed.
We will look back on 2020 and the pandemic with very personal stories and as we come to the end of 2021 it’s time to share those stories, find solace and recognise those (both visible and ‘behind the scenes’) that helped us all through.
And to ensure we also give back, we’ll be fundraising for EMERGENCY at both our TheStadiumBusiness Awards (30 Nov) and TheTicketingBusiness Awards (2 Dec) this year.
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