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Xperiology’s highlights

What an excellent two days we’ve been treated too and as a team we have picked out just two of our favourite moments from #LVL15:

Ian Nuttall, CEO & C0-Founder:

– “Andrew Collier’s presentation: he has the entire ‘eco-system’ – ticketing, marketing, etc – therefore he is capable of making integrated and informed decisions.”

– “Being invited to several wonderful places around the world – which I may have to take up!”

Angelinna Terrino, COO & Co-Founder:Screen Shot 2015-10-07 at 16.51.51

-“Lasting in my heels for the full two days! An achievement in itself.”

– “Andrew Collier’s presentation it was engaging and my daughter loves #InTheNightGarden”

Lizzie Etherington, Events Co-ordinator:Screen Shot 2015-10-07 at 16.37.50

– “This picture of David Pearce, Strategic Director, Wales Millennium Centre, enjoying the Brighton weather! (Courtesy of: @J4yno)

– “Having our best speakers to date! The presentations were all with us in plenty of time and all of the speakers were where they were supposed to be when they were meant to be there!”

Tamara Nasser, Events Manager:

– “Being told by our delegates that the conference was slick in its organisation without being ‘bossy’ or intrusive.”

– “Liam Lynch and his refreshing break from traditions!”

Karl Shilbach, Marketing Executive:

– “I really enjoyed the presentation by Liam Lynch, CEO, T13/Square Pit. This presentation was extremely well constructed and presented with humour and boundless levels of enthusiasm making it easy to connect and engage with.”

– “The networking tour was a high point of #LVL15, I had the opportunity to meet new people in the industry in a relaxed and informal environment – was a lot of fun!”

Emily Wolf, Events Co-ordinator:

– “The networking party with our delegates – great food, drinks and conversation in the heart of Brighton Laines.”

– “Meeting delegates from all over the world such as Jack Ho (Jack_hc_ho) from Singapore and Samuel Steinman (@washeiri) from Switzerland and right back to our hometown of Brighton with Richard Daws from Komedia.”

Tweet us your favourite highlights from #LVL15.

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