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TheStadiumBusiness Heads to Twickenham

Always open to new networking opportunities, TheStadiumBusiness and Rugby Football Union have teamed up today to present a one-day venue technology showcase of Twickenham Stadium’s cashless integration.

George Vaughan, Senior Project Manger at RFU, presented at TheStadiumBusiness Design & Development Summit 2015, and was inundated with requests from fellow stadium operators to visit the site and see the latest technological installations. George knew that with our wealth of industry connections and many years’ experience creating world-class meetings and events that we would make the perfect partner to facilitate one day to invite everyone who had shown interest – and the response has been fantastic.

Today, 130+ industry leaders have gathered at the stadium to learn exactly how RFU have successfully made the move to cashless and delegates will this afternoon be taken on a technical tour of how it all works on site.

Keep an eye on our Twitter page for live updates on this morning’s RFU expert speakers, photos of the stadium and much more.

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