Outside In & Downside Up – How taking the customer perspective releases value, performance & growth
When Jack Handey said “Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes” his rationale was very simple: “So when you do criticise them” he said, “you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes!”
But there are also compelling commercial reasons for seeing things from the customer angle.
At AuditoriumsMeet 2012, consultant and writer Mark Bradley will join our international speaking line up in Session 2: Audiences & Customers, to show how the external perspective can be a catalyst for change and improvement by exposing the contradictions and constraints at the heart of the modern-day customer experience.
An expert in service excellence & customer service and the author of Inconvenience Stores (2004) and Retails of the Unexpected (2008), Mark’s USP is an ability to use the ‘real customer experience’ to expose organisational weaknesses, highlight opportunities, entertain and inform but, most significantly, as a wakeup call for industry.
A family man and committed football fan, Mark is the founder of The Fan Experience Company; an organisation created to connect sport and service excellence, and help sports organisations (associations, leagues and clubs) grow through greater fan, customer and stakeholder engagement.
With a career ranging from retail financial services, via homelessness campaigning, stand-up comedy, table waiting and Spanish & Catalan translation to lead assessor of the Unisys / Management Today Service Excellence Awards, community radio broadcaster and newspaper columnist, Mark draws both on a rich palette of real customer experience, as well as innovation and best practice from the world’s most pioneering organisations.
EXPLORE HOW taking the customer perspective can release value, performance & growth within your live entertainment venue business, only at AuditoriumsMeet 2012.
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