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That’s a wrap on 2020

2020 was the most horrific year for everyone … full stop. We certainly won’t miss it.

At Xperiology we had a double-whammy of [1] being unable to deliver in-person events (and our conferences and meetings generate our primary income stream) and [2] the two sectors we serve – sports and live entertainment – have been decimated.

Against this gloomy backdrop, we managed to deliver two of our most engaging and effective meetings in our 12 year history. We succeeded in bringing our global readerships across and for 6 days of debate, discussion and networking – in an industry desperate for answers and a roadmap back to recovery.

Over 2,000 delegates logged in from all corner of the globe for last week’s TheStadiumBusiness Summit LIVE and TheTicketingBusiness Forum LIVE, many of them first-timers. It’s clear that our unique position in the market – where we provide daily news updates to global viewers – enabled us to pivot from in-person’ to ‘virtual’ most effectively.

Of course, many of our 50,000+ registered readers on the news channels would never have the opportunity or resources to hop on a plane to attend one of our international in-person meetings but the power of the Internet (and the pain of the pandemic) allowed us to welcome them – albeit virtually – into the Xperiology family.

We took a different approach to our virtual offerings… delivering them more as a global televisual production, starting in Australia, Japan and New Zealand and crossing the timezones to finish in California each day. This allowed us to maximise the attendance but also to create moments of reflection, celebration and engagement (quizzes, photo competitions etc) to keep the at-home, remote audience engaged.

Of course, we did not dilute the quality when it came to our speakers, themes or content. In fact, the opposite happened – with the virtual format allowing more Presidents, CEOs, COOs etc. of teams, venues and leagues to join us.

And the feedback has been AMAZING!

We saw many of our longtime friends during the online sessions this month but what was even more exciting was the opportunity to open our doors to new faces, new connections and now, new friends.

Having experienced the quality of our events via the virtual offer, our job now has to be convert these online participants into long-term, regulars when our events resume in-person.

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