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Birthday Boss

Amongst the office whirlwind of delegates, sponsors, speakers, programmes and awards, the XP team took a little time out today to wish a very important person a happy birthday – our Director, Angelina.

Safe in the knowledge that Angelina was pre-occupied in a morning meeting, the team pounced on her desk to fill it with balloons, banners, confetti and gifts… and if it hadn’t been for her dashing back to fetch the milk (mid-decorating) it would have almost certainly stayed a surprise! But surprise or not, our COO was most delighted with her gifts, including a mug with the words ‘BOSS… of everything’ on it. Sorry, Ian, but you know it’s true.


Her birthday falls on Sunday this week, but as our Directors are heading out to the Italian office tomorrow, we thought we would ensure that cake was had before they departed.

Happy birthday Angelina, we hope that your day is just perfect.


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