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Awards Season

It’s official, Awards season is finally upon us… It feels like every time I turn on the TV or radio I can’t get away from it.

Who in entertainment has excelled in their industry this year?

Within cinema the Golden Globes has already occurred and the Academy Awards nominations announced.

The Revenant seems to be the critics choice right now with 12 Oscar nominations and Leonardo DiCaprio has already scooped this year’s Golden Globe for Best Actor. Now receiving his 4th Best Actor Oscar nomination surely this time around he will finally pick up the coveted Oscar Statuette?

We also have the Brit Awards nominations revealed, will anyone be able to stop Adele to Best British Album after breaking records worldwide?

It made me think how amazing it must feel to be number 1 in your field and how achievements in all aspects of life should be rewarded!

It also got me excited to celebrate the best in our industry with this years inaugural Ticketing Technology Awards (Dublin, Ireland 27 April) and the 7th edition of TheStadiumBusiness Awards (Madrid, Spain 1 June).

You can nominate in the Ticketing Technology Awards here and TheStadiumBusiness Awards here.
We look forward to receiving your nominations and seeing who takes home this years top prizes.

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