Xperiology Mixology
When you work as hard as the XP team it’s important to take some time out regularly to relax and enjoy each other’s company outside of the work environment. Which is why the XP team have a monthly team outing.
This month, the team were treated to an afternoon and evening out in our home town of Brighton.
First activity on the list was a team treasure hunt along the pier. Divided into two teams (girls V boys, of course) challenges included taking a photo with a seagull, eating a doughnut without licking your lips and finding a pebble that looked the most like something.
Once the competition was over (the girls obviously won), we headed to Vodka Revolutions for a cocktail masterclass. Choice of cocktails spoke volumes about the teams’ personalities, and I was somehow convinced to swig neat squirty cream whilst lying across the bar. The things you do in the name of team buidling, eh?
The night finished with a beautiful meal at a local tapas restaurant where we of course ordered more food than we could possibly eat and so the XP team dogs were treated to a paella feast later that night.
The next team outing is at a top secret location with Director, Ian, in charge of all the secret planning. Keep an eye out here for what he has in store for us!
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