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Happy Birthday Lizzie!

It’s been an unfortunate coincidence for the last couple of years that Lizzie’s birthday has fallen on the same days that we’ve delivered TheStadiumBusiness Summit… and so normal celebrations have not been possible. And, she’s been sure to remind us of this often.

So, it was decided this year that Lizzie deserved a bit more fuss than usual, and with a heatwave on the cards we knew that she would like nothing more than a barbeque in the (newly landscaped) garden.

Burgers, sausages, pickles, olives and plenty of bubbles were prepared and Lizzie was gifted not one, not two but FIVE salamis. Trust us, to Lizzie this was the equivalent of receiving diamonds.

Josie, of course, supplied one her famous birthday cakes with extra sprinkles and Lizzie was genuinely surprised. A lovely Summer’s evening was had by all.

Happy 25th birthday Lizzie, you’re catching up with the rest of us!


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