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An office fit for a king

We haven’t quite suffered at the hands of mother nature like the US has this last week, but we have seen temperatures across the UK drop below zero – making us that bit more reluctant to leave the house every morning. It’s made us all realise what a lucky bunch we are to have our brand new office, providing a lovely warm and well-lit space for us to manage the world’s leading conferences for the sports and live entertainment businesses.

It got me thinking about how much our surroundings can affect our mood, and how much importance we place on the look, feel and atmosphere of the spaces we are in, be it the furniture we choose or the pictures hanging on the wall. The space we are in can directly lead how productive/creative/relaxed/excited we are, so it’s vital that a working environment reflects the type of work that needs to be carried out within it. Here at XP we strive to break free from traditional, corporate office life – it’s just not our style, and the dogs would never agree to it.

Taking this idea to inspiring new heights, a team at UK company, Viking, took 500 pieces of waste cardboard this week and constructed a giant cardboard castle around their desks. In their blog, where you can view photos and a video of the overnight project, they talk about how they arrived back to work in the new year to a simple request from their boss; ‘do something to decorate your desks to help the team get over the January blues’. And thus, a castle was born.

castle 2
It’s a really uplifting story, that has put a smile on not only the Viking team’s face, but also the faces of millions of people who have shared the viral post. Was this a creative team at its best? Was this just a very clever viral marketing campaign to sell more stationery? Who cares, we should all take office life a little less seriously… a man’s home is his castle, why shouldn’t his office be?

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