Living Poets’ Society
We love the English language at Xperiology. After all, it’s the basis of our international success. We never forget how fortunate we are to have our native tongue as the default language of global business.
So, when someone close to us has crafted greatness from our vocabulary, we think it’s worth sharing.
Angelina’s nephew Michael McCabe has landed the junior prize in the UK’s biggest poetry award – the T S Eliot Prize.
The main T. S. Eliot Prize for Poetry is awarded by the Poetry Book Society (UK) to “the best collection of new verse in English first published in the UK or the Republic of Ireland” in any particular year. The Prize was inaugurated in 1993 in celebration of the Poetry Book Society’s 40th birthday and in honour of its founding poet, T. S. Eliot. The Prize has been called “the most coveted award in poetry.
Michael was awarded the T. S. Eliot Writing Competition Prize for his poetic response to Les Murray’s ‘Child Logic’ – one of the main prize’s shortlisted collections. He was presented at the Southbank Centre’s Royal Festival Hall on Monday with his prose read to poetry’s biggest names. Before being heralded as the writing competition winner 2016 at the V&A Museum on Tuesday.
We’re very proud of Michael – and very happy the English language has such great future ambassadors.
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