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EVENT UPDATE: Auditoriums MEET gets a rebrand – and a renewed focus

AuditoriumsMEET – Xperiology’s meeting for arts, theatre and entertainment venue leaders – is getting a makeover and a renewed focus. From 2013, the event will become The LEVEL Summit.


“After our launch success in Dublin in 2011, then our great meeting in Edinburgh last year, we listened to our guest feedback and soon realised that there was some confusion over the name,” explains Angelina Tennino, Conference Director at Xperiology. “There was a mis-perception that the MEET was solely for arts and theatre venues.”

She continues: “And, despite the clear programming and engaging content, many executives from other entertainment venue types were not getting our message. We’re about all venue types and about all forms of live entertainment. Hence the new name!”


LVL13-Acronym-LEVEL-Summit-260pxLEVEL stands for Live Entertainment Venues: Excellence & Leadership

Scheduled for London from 26-27 November 2013, The LEVEL Summit brings together the top executives of the world’s leading entertainment venues – large and small – to share their experiences, challenges and strategies to take their guest experience and venue business to ‘the next level’.

The new Summit builds on the success of AuditoriumsMEET‘s existing client base (of 200+ venue leaders and 15 key industry partners), along with Xperiology’s existing marketing database
 (>10,000 individuals) in the sector – plus a rebuild of our target CEO lists and a reach into new sectors, including promoters, outdoor events, festivals, digital engagement and smaller, specialist venues.


“After all, live entertainment is not just about 
listening to classical music in old buildings,” explains Ian Nuttall, Chair of the Summit conference. “The LEVEL Summit programme is designed for leaders of all venues and event spaces – From two hundred guests to twenty thousand fans. From crowds of 200,000 to a gig of just twenty.”

Nuttall adds: “We believe every venue can learn something from other venues – large or small, classical or modern, new or old. This is the real value of our Summit: the cross-sector, cross-market polination of great ideas and best practice!”

“We look forward to hosting this new, enriched and enlarged mix of venue leaders in London in November.”

NETWORK with a world of venue leaders at The LEVEL Summit 2013 – Where live entertainment meets!