Under the Tuscan sun… On the ancient foothills
It’s nearly Easter and some of the Xperiology team have decamped for the annual executive retreat at our Italian office.

This is a chance to reconnect with our Italian clients, brainstorm the events and projects we are planning into 2017 and, perhaps most importantly, take in some fresh air to drive new thinking.
We kick-off each day with a hike across the Tuscan foothills, following the path of an old Roman road (still visible after nearly 2,000 years of solid construction), past abandoned farmhouses and outbuildings (more reminders that all businesses are temporal – many come and go as our lifestyles change) and through the ancient pine forest (which is slowly dying courtesy of a nasty beetle).
It all sounds somewhat gloomy doesn’t it? But… the sun’s out, the air is warming and it’s Spring. There’s a new bud or shoot visible with every footstep – reminders that for every failed or abandoned idea, there’s a new concept waiting to be discovered.
We have already unearthed some new ideas for 2016 – including our first pop-up Tech Day at Twickenham Stadium on 5 April, the Ticketing Technology Awards (in Dublin, 27 April) and the new Venue Tech Meeting (two days in Belfast) – and there will be several more before we finalise our 2017 calendar!
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